Monday, May 30, 2016

Day Four - Progress 350 miles

While on vacation we get to do special things that we would never do in our everyday life; this includes eating barbeque for breakfast! We got the BBQ from Bob’s Cafe in Sioux Falls, SD. It is a highly rated takeout place. We had tried to eat there the night before, but it was closed.

On our way to the Badlands we hit a microburst of wind so powerful that the motorhome swerved 3 or 4 feet to the right. One of the vent caps was ripped off! After that, rain started smashing down on the windshield. The rain plus the wind made driving conditions problematic, but Dad prevailed through the storm. The rain stopped pretty soon, but we did have to battle wind all the way through South Dakota. I guess you could say we were “the little mobile house on the prairie”. 

A rainbow after the storm

Gordon and Emma in the Badlands
Gordon and Ian climbing in the Badlands

We didn't arrive to Mount Rushmore until after dark, but fortunately it is well lit until 11pm every night. We spent Memorial Day evening there, remembering and being thankful for all of the people that have served in the armed forces protecting our country and the security we have in Jesus.

Emma’s list of animal sightings expanded greatly, It now includes a rattlesnake (that we avoided on the road), some prairie dogs ducking into their holes, a herd of shedding mountain goats, and one prairie rabbit which reminded her of Nesbit, her bunny.
A herd of mountain goats

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